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petit journal de la Catoche - fresh news from Cathy
18 octobre 2011

good day

i forgot to say.... today was a good day ! ^^ j'ai oublié de vous dire....aujourd'hui, c'était une belle journée ! ^^
18 octobre 2011

s..t day !

ok....yesterday was a s..t day. it didn't start really well, it's not really worth telling what happened in details. it's just that i suddenly realised and freaked out....and panic!!! Ali rushed and saved me from my demons (i told you he's perfect!!)...
15 octobre 2011

premier rendez-vous

premier rendez-vous
On thursday, i had an appointment with a cancer specialist. i had so many questions to ask!!. i had no information appart the fact that i have a cancer before i arrived in his office. to tell the was a bit hard. coming from no informations...
15 octobre 2011

mensonge !!

mensonge !!
J'ai trouvé cet échantillon dans un magazine à la clinique! évidemment, vous imaginez bien que je me suis empressée de le tester!! Miracle instantané! qu'ils disent!! total repair, répare cellule à cellule!!! j'me suis dit: chouette!!! j'suis sauvée!!!...
13 octobre 2011

first impressions

first impressions
you all got the message the day after , because i knew i will need help from the ones i love. i felt like going to war, and building my army. i still fell that way. i know part of the "winning the battle" will be with support, news, jokes, anything that...
13 octobre 2011

the first day....

the first day....
as you all know, last week i went to hospital, and when the doctor told me i had a cancer. i felt that everything was falling apart. i got shivers from head to toes. i thought about Ali, the kids, family, friends. my little world was upside down. i really...
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