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petit journal de la Catoche - fresh news from Cathy
15 octobre 2011

mensonge !!

mensonge !!
J'ai trouvé cet échantillon dans un magazine à la clinique! évidemment, vous imaginez bien que je me suis empressée de le tester!! Miracle instantané! qu'ils disent!! total repair, répare cellule à cellule!!! j'me suis dit: chouette!!! j'suis sauvée!!!...
26 octobre 2011

prothèse capillaire - wig

prothèse capillaire - wig
yesterday i went to the wig shop, the girl was extremly helpfull and understanding. she didn't have any "afro" in her stock.....they don't have curly hair wigs cause it's too difficult to make and look after. hier je suis allée au centre de prothèse capillaire,...
18 novembre 2011

day before chimio

day before chimio
the day before chimio, i had Adrien, Sopha and Pierre for dinner. i made some provençal stuffed courgettes and tomatoes with rice. miam, really good!! but the funniest part was the saucisson.... look and see ! le jour avant la chimio, j'ai invité Adrien,...
27 novembre 2011

oups !

oups !
i haven't been on the blog for a week!! last monday and tuesday i fet really tired. not bad, just tired, so i spent my days in the sofa, rolled up into my huge white blanket...and loving it! the only negative thing was the programs on Tv.... a real nightmare!...
19 décembre 2011

semaine difficile....

semaine difficile....
mercredi dernier....scanner puis rendez-vous avec le chirurgien. last wednesday....i had a scan and an appointment with my surgeon. Le diagnostique tombe, plutôt positif, mais je dois continuer le traitement de chimio jusqu'au bout, c'est-à-dire encore...
1 janvier 2012

bonne année !! happy new year !!

bonne année !! happy new year !!
Last week, i had lots of visits, and i enjoyed seeing everyone. I knew 4 days after X-mas I was going back to the treatment.... i never forget it's for the best. La semaine dernière j'ai eu plein de visites, et j'ai adoré voir tout ce petit monde. Je...
28 octobre 2011

day one after chimio

day one after chimio
William under mummy's duvet today - William sous la couette de maman aujourd'hui yesterday after the chimio, Sandra took me to my parents.this is where i'm staying for few days, so i can rest, and be with the kids (they are on holiday....and full of energy)...
18 novembre 2011

chimio 2

chimio 2
yesterday was chimio 2. i went to the clinic with my friend Pierre (who replaces me at the art studio during the treatment). we talked all morning about painting and stuff....and i totally forgot where i really was! we could have been anywhere else having...
22 février 2012

visite à Londres

visite à Londres
first day in London, we went to see Stuart, Ondine, Ed and Alec. It was Ed's 18th birthday, so we all had a glass of champagne! It was great seeing the family. Everyone was in good form. Alec and Marcus went to movie and spent some good time together....
22 mars 2012

c'est le printemps !!

c'est le printemps !!
spring time !!! at last !! sunshine, little flowers, everything we need to smile to life ! i'm out of chimio 7 since today, i feel "normal" we're back in a lovely routine. All the little family is well. I have to say that spring's spirit helps everybody...
22 mai 2012

The last weeks, i didn't feel like sharing

The last weeks, i didn't feel like sharing
The last weeks, i didn't feel like sharing anything on the blog, as a dear friend of mine who also had cancer started to feel unwell. long weeks of hope, anger, love, sharing, incomprehension... We're the same age, we have 3 kids the same age, whe share...
20 novembre 2011

day 2 and 3 after chimio

day 2 and 3 after chimio
yesterday was a good day. i went to see my hypnotherapist and i had a really good session that helped me a lot. i felt really strong after that, like if i've been asking my body to help....dificult to explain, but it's really working. so this chimio session...
9 novembre 2011


They told me that 15 days after the chimio I was going to loose my hair........and today, I'm loosing my hair. I'm prepared for this....but it's still really impressive to loose so much hair. I called instantly the wig shop. I have an appointment tomorrow....
7 février 2012

chimio 6 morning

Today, last chimio before surgery. I've got my make up on, ready to go. I don't really care if it goes well or's the LAST ONE !!! During 5 days, i will be in my new sofa, wathching terrible and boring programmes, And waiting to be back. Next...
28 février 2012

Today I had the appointment with the 2 surgeons.

Today I had the appointment with the 2 surgeons. They told me I should do two more chimios to make sure the surgery will be a success. So I will probably have a chimio session next week or the week after, I don't know the date yet. The date of the surgery...
19 octobre 2011


today, i've decided to do something with myself. i took my brushes and started painting listening to Al Green (he's the other Al in my life! ^^) i've got to finish a portrait, it's an order....and i'm in a hurry! i've got to do it before the chimio starts!!...
22 octobre 2011

beau moment

va pensiero extrait de Nabucco deVerdi je vous fait partager ce lien qu'une élève m'a envoyé. un grand moment d'émotion, de musique, de partage. petite forme depuis deux jours. repos. rdv lundi avec les infirmières pour m'expliquer la chimio, mercredi...
2 novembre 2011


ok, the wave of first chimio is behind, and i'm now back to normal. it' s a great feeling, where every little things is amazing: having a shower, eating a tomato salad, playing with your kids.... We all know what is essential. when i wasn't feeling well,...
18 novembre 2011

day one after chimio

today was fine, William didn't go to school because we had a can imagine how happy he was!! so we spent the day together. i did a bit of tidying up in the flat, and playing with my boy. Jessica came to see me this afternoon, and we had...
8 janvier 2012


Pour tous ceux et celles qui essayent de me contacter par téléphone ou par SMS, et qui sont surpris par mon raison est simple, et je m'en excuse, je n'ai pas payé ma facture! MOn compte professionnel n'étant plus approvisionné, et les indemnisations...
9 janvier 2012


back to life - you can beat cancer Last week-end i made that little video. after coming out of the dark tunnel of the chimio effects, i was so pleased to come back to life that i wanted to share it. a bit of colour, make up, or paint, and I come back...
19 janvier 2012

chimio 5

chimio five is done. i spent my day plugged in. i had some visits, and today was much fun as everyone was speaking in the room. it's very rare that all the patients talk to each other, and usually there is lots of being in a church, when...
21 janvier 2012

un peu d'humour...

LE BRUIT DES GLAÇONS voilà, mon boulot de ce week-end....regarder des films (de préférence marrants et décalés), essayer de manger (plutôt bien parti: ce matin petit dej est passé sans problème....petite victoire), et guérir. bon week-end à tous! Here's...
25 janvier 2012


Bon. La Catoche s'est bien reposée, elle a été sage, elle a attendu gentiment que la chimio fasse son boulot.... à chaque fois, je me sens toute engourdie, comme si j'avais hyberné. Alors, je m'étire un bon coup, je respire profondément, je reprends contact...
29 mars 2012

transformers !!

fabriquer un costume transformers avec William Here is a new movie of William's carnaval costume. Tomorrow there's a parade with school, and we are now ready, after 5 days of intense work!!! William has been helping me from the construction to the painting....
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